Learn to Read & Study the New Testament in the Original Greek

Learn To Read & Study The New Testament In The Original Greek

Learn to read and study New Testament Greek in just 30 minutes a day. Enter your email below to start right now with our FREE Starter Course!

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      Which of These Best Describes You?

      I have no previous experience with learning Biblical Greek, but I’m wanting to get started.

      I have some previous experience, but I want to continue learning or refresh my knowledge.


      The method you will use to learn New Testament Greek was created for everyday people studying at home, and is designed to take less than 30 minutes a day. Say goodbye to your overwhelming seminary grammar, this is Biblical Greek in small steps.


      You can read entire books of the New Testament in Greek just one year from today! Our unique system is designed to progressively develop your vocabulary and skills with the Greek text, adding a new book roughly every 2 months.


      Connect to our community, an essential part of your Greek journey.  Our enthusiastic community of like-minded people will encourage you to keep taking small, consistent steps forward. 

      ...Introducing Your way out of translation reliance:

      The Greek Mastery Membership

      Most Christians think that reading the Bible in Greek is only possible for pastors and theologians. Not anymore! The Greek Mastery Membership is our unique solution to make learning Biblical Greek possible for everyday people like you. Put simply, it’s an all-access pass to:

      • Biblical Greek Courses
      • Experienced Tutors
      • World-Class Community
      • Live Teaching Calls
      • Achievable Milestones

      We’ve designed our Greek Mastery Membership for people with busy lives. Rather than overwhelming you, our unique system will help you be transformed by God’s word through small, consistent steps. We’re confident you won’t find anything else like it!

      The Greek Mastery Membership provides four pillars to help you learn to read and understand Biblical Greek.


      Take courses to develop your skill inside the membership including: 

      • Beginning Greek
      • Reading Greek
      • Interpretation of Ephesians 
      • Greek Syntax
      Repeat courses as many times as you want. We’re always adding more courses


      Our amazing community ensures you get help quickly with any question or challenge related to the languages and how the scriptures are written.

      The community is also where we host weekly Office Hours calls, and Greek Workshop Calls for support and growth – anyone can join these calls, regardless of which milestone or stage you’re in. 


      The live cohorts give you regular opportunities to take one of our courses with a small group of learners and an instructor. 

      Cohorts provide weekly live calls to discuss the coursework and get personal help from an instructor. 


      Milestones are smaller achievements on your path to master every book of the Greek New Testament! Each milestone contains video lessons guiding you through the New Testament book you’re reading through with the relevant vocabulary for you to learn. 

      There are 7 milestones, progressing you from the easiest to hardest books of the New Testament.

      Imagine this...

      One fine morning, you sit down to read your Greek New Testament. 

      Instead of opening up a Greek Lexicon, Logos Bible Software, or some other tool, you simply open up your Greek New Testament and begin to read.

      As you read your way through the verses, you don’t stop to look up words. Instead, you experience an uninterrupted and rich interaction with the untranslated word of God. 

      This experience helps you grow in understanding of the original text without having to depend on the translation work of others. 

      You can experience reading the Bible like this by learning Biblical Greek with the Greek Mastery Membership.

      Take the Free Getting Started Course for your first step into the Greek Mastery Membership.

      See what ordinary people can achieve through the Greek Mastery Membership

      This membership has given me a strong foundation in both the vocab and syntax of the Greek through an affordable, easily accessible means of learning from the comforts of home at my own pace. It's been super nice to work with as I'm working full-time, and it's given me exactly what I wanted--being able to read Scripture in its original language! I love it!
      Sheylah Bos
      Greek Mastery Member
      My personal experience with the Greek Mastery Membership and interaction with Dr. Burling has been exceedingly positive in all respects.

      After two years in the Greek Mastery Membership program my ability to read and comprehend the Greek texts has soared. Not only have I become fluent with many Greek texts but I’ve also gained clarity and confidence when it comes to preaching and teaching the Scriptures. Above all else, I’m getting to know my Saviour in a deeper way. So, if you’re committed to the task and joy of learning to read the Greek New Testament, this program will get you there!
      Steven Pretsel
      Greek Mastery Member
      As a busy homeschool mom of four, I feel like if I can do this, anyone can. This program has offered the support, guidance, encouragement, and tools that I needed to successfully start and continue my knowledge of Greek.
      Meg Smith
      Greek Mastery Member

      See what ordinary people can achieve through the Greek Mastery Membership

      I've long wanted to do away with my Greek reader's edition and read straight from the Greek New Testament with no other aids. However, I couldn't muster the discipline or put together an effective plan to cross that bridge. Biblical Mastery Academy is just what I needed. I love the program, and the milestones, and even the careful order of the books to keep students moving through the readings with as few roadblocks as possible. This is a great system, and I recommend it to anyone who is really serious about reading New Testament in its original language.
      Ken Nunemaker
      Greek Mastery Member
      I learned Greek in seminary and found it so hard that every day after class, I'd go back to my room and cry, and tell the Lord that I couldn't do this. Then I discovered Biblical Mastery Academy and now I just finished beginning Greek and I love Greek!
      Noel Ojendiz
      Greek Mastery Member
      I am now able to read directly from many Greek texts of the Bible without having to go back-and-forth using time consuming original language helps. Better however, is that the Greek Mastery Membership is not just a self study program. Darryl is personally involved in helping and encouraging all of us in the program to improve our Greek skills. Most important, this is the only program I've found since graduating from Seminary that has made it possible for me to maintain and grow in my mastery of the Greek text of the Bible.
      Dennis Davies
      Greek Mastery Member
      Nothing helps you to learn vocabulary better than to see it immediately in a text you are reading, and nothing helps you to read a text more easily than to have just learned the vocabulary you need for it! Biblical Mastery Academy is like the stabilisers on a training bike, giving support and confidence for the next stage in learning.
      Hilary Denufchatel
      Greek Mastery Member
      I learned Greek at Bible college back in 2004 but lost it all because of the busyness of ministry. Since then I've tried many different methods to relearn it but failed every time until I started on the Greek Mastery Membership. What I really like about the membership is:

      1. Its system of learning is clear and systematic. It breaks things down into manageable steps, is easy to follow and you get to see your progress towards the goal of reading the entire GNT.

      2. Darryl Burling is really knowledgable, friendly, helpful and he really wants you to be able to read the entire GNT

      3.The Community - learning Greek in the courses together with other people who are passionate about the GNT really spurs me on.

      Since joining the program I've regained all the Greek that I've lost since Bible college, am now able to read the GNT in my devotion and use it in my sermon prep. I am looking forward to be able to read the whole GNT.
      Yuk Yee Foo
      Greek Mastery Member

      We Welcome You to
      Biblical Mastery Academy!

      We exist to see people transformed by the word of God. Over the years, we've taught over 1,500 everyday people like you to read and study Biblical Greek with clarity and confidence. Join our free starter course today, and learn how to master New Testament Greek in small, consistent steps.

      Start Making Meaningful Progress Today


      Start your first steps toward learning biblical Greek by taking Biblical Mastery Academy’s free Getting Started course!

      This is the next generation of our popular Roadmap to Mastery, which showed thousands of people how they could finally succeed in their dreams of reading God’s word in it’s original languages. 

      This new and improved course aims to encourage you that learning Greek is possible for everyday people, like you. It shares the secret that has unlocked mastery of beginning Greek for hundreds of people – The Four Step Framework – So that you will exceed in the hardest stage of learning Greek.

      This free course, designed to help you take your first steps to learning and mastering New Testament Greek, will show you the best methods for you to learn Greek and read it for life. Enter your email in the form above and we’ll send you the course for free, right away!

      Why Learn New Testament Greek & Old Testament Hebrew?

      Reading the Scriptures in the languages God inspired them in will give you greater confidence, clarity and efficiency in the text. No longer will you be relying on other people’s knowledge of the languages and how it should be translated. Instead, you can come to a direct knowledge of the scriptures yourself through your own reading and exegesis. 

      When you go deeper into the word by reading New Testament Greek or Old Testament Hebrew, the result is a changed heart and a changed life.

      How does it change your life? Simple. The original languages take us out of our modern western shaped texts into the worldview of the first century Christians. You’ll start to see the scriptures through their eyes, and will be forced to ask questions of the text you’ve never considered before. As a result, the scriptures come alive as you gain greater understanding of the context, the history, and the culture of the Bible. Ultimately, you will come to understand the meaning of what the Lord has communicated more accurately. 

      As you spend time mastering the word of God, the word of God will master you.

      Biblical Mastery Academy

      How Members Have Grown Through Learning Greek

      Start Your Journey To Read & Study New Testament Greek

      👇 Get started on your journey. 👇
      Begin your FREE Getting Started course right now!

      Biblical Mastery Academy exists to see people transformed by the word of God. We help people read and understand the Bible in its original languages.

      Our mission is to make biblical languages accessible so that everyone, and not just academics and pastors, can learn to read and study the Bible like a scholar. 

      Learning Biblical Greek and Hebrew will give you clarity, confidence and efficiency with God’s word, deepening your walk with God.

      That’s why we offer a low cost, high value education for Christians who love scripture and want to be more like Christ.

      We’re convinced that our approach to learning Greek and Hebrew will take you deeper into the text, faster than any other comparable course or product.

      Today, hundreds of Biblical Mastery Academy members around the world are reading straight from the Greek New Testament devotionally.