Read the New Testament like you have never read it before

The Choice is yours:
You can pick through the New Testament like an amateur or learn to read and study it like a pro

Everything you need to read, study and master New Testament Greek

Sick of looking up words using Strongs numbers because you can’t directly access or understand the Greek?

Tired of tediously looking through historical lexicons to grab that meaning that suits your expositional purpose?

Want to develop or even refresh your Greek so that you are no longer dependent on tools, but have a base knowledge to draw on?

Do you want to be able to fully utilize exegetical commentaries, follow word usage in unfamiliar texts, benefit from more advanced Greek discussions, and better understand scholarly resources?

Most Christians have never really read the Bible for themselves

We have some excellent Bible translations available today, but the opportunity to know the word of God is far greater than just working with translations. 

It is possible for the average person to read and study the scripture in the original languages. Builders, home-makers, plumbers, lawyers, software developers, accountants, project managers, and many more are learning to read the Bible in the original languages. 

What they’re finding is that there is a whole world of understanding that is unlocked by learning to read the New Testament in the original language it was written and preserved in. 

When you read the Bible in translation, you’re left wondering, what do the translators mean by that? When you read the New Testament in the original language, the question is what did the original author mean by that, and why did he write it that way? 

You're probably a captive to your own culture without realizing it

These new questions take your thinking, and questions in a new direction. 

So many of the questions we ask of an English translation are shaped by our own cultural captivity. 

It’s not surprising really. After all, the language we use shapes our thinking. Reading in a translation ensures that the language shapes our understanding of scripture to conform to the way English works, and the way we express things in English.

So if you want to really read the Bible as it was written, you need to read it in the original language. 

Reading in Greek transports you out of your current culture back to a time and place far removed from the 21st century. 

It’s like traveling back to the first century and reading and studying like you’re there with Paul, and John, and Luke, and Peter. 

Suddenly the scriptures come to life for you like you’ve never seen it before, forcing you to ask new questions, get new answers, and make new discoveries. 

Wait, can't I just use tools to look up words?

We are blessed with the translations we have today, and if you’re going to be dependent on tools to access the scripture there is nothing wrong with the excellent translations available today. 

Yes, there are also some great tools! Tools like Logos Bible Software and Accordance help us unpack the scripture and find answers like no other time in history. 

Interlinears expose us to the Greek even if we don’t know it, and we can look up words in dictionaries and do word studies without even knowing the Greek alphabet. 

Yet, you’re still just asking questions like an English reader. You’re making the same assumptions as those who just read a translation without looking up words. It looks cool, it feels a little more intellectual, but it is really just window dressing. 

Not only that but when you look at the definition of a word in tools like BDAG, you’ll often find a word has several nuanced meanings. How will you know which to apply? How do you know if the editors/authors of that work got it right? 

Do you just pick the one that suits your preferences best? 

μὴ γένοιτο! God forbid!

We need to know what the original author intended to say, and we can’t know that without actually reading and understanding the text for ourselves!

The people who created those great tools had to know the language to be able to create them, and as good as they are, you’re still just depending on their knowledge at best. 

Wouldn’t you like to have clarity and confidence in the Greek text for yourself? 

But isn't learning Greek is a waste of time?

With so many English translations (and more coming out each month it seems) one might wonder why its necessary to even learn Greek. 

Certainly, learning Greek is not the easiest thing to do. So why bother? 

In fact, the plethora of translations is one reason why learning Greek is so critical. Which translation is best? Which translation more faithfully renders this verse? How would you know? 

Think of all the time that people spend trying to work out which translation is best. Consider the time spent mulling over Greek dictionaries wrestling over the different meanings of a word with no clear way to work out which is best. What about all those technical commentaries that use technical terms related to the language that most people ignore or simply miss out on because they can’t understand it.

If you really want to read the scripture with understanding, with clarity, with confidence, and study it with efficiency and see it transform your life, then there is no substitute for learning to read the original languages.

The real reason people lose their Greek

But wait, so many people go to seminary and they come out and forget the Greek they’ve learned. Doesn’t that mean that learning Greek is pointless if even the trained forget it? 

The real reason people graduate seminary and lose their Greek is that they don’t use it. 

“Why don’t they use it?” you ask? 

Because they didn’t actually learn it well enough to use it well enough! 

So it’s not enough to simply go through beginning Greek, you need a plan to take you to that point where you’re able to use your knowledge of the language, and continue to develop it. 

That's the power of the

The 2023 Greek Pro Bundle!

Everything you need to learn the basics, start to read, study in Greek, and master the Greek New Testament
for one low price

You're Protected By My 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Dr. Darryl Burling

Founder and CEO of
Biblical Mastery Academy

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I know what it takes to learn and master Greek.

When I went to seminary, I wanted to be able to read and study Greek.  

I started beginning Greek and found that it was unlike anything else I’d had to learn. Not only that, but while the lectures and textbooks were great, they didn’t tell me how to internalize the information so I knew it cold. 

I came up with a system that helped me not only internalize those details, but completely ace beginning Greek. This is now the four step framework we use in our beginning Greek courses today.

Then I discovered that they don’t teach you to read in seminary. I took some excellent exegesis classes, but without the ability to read, I’d lose my ability to study the original language with confidence. 

Once you’ve finished beginning Greek there is no way you want to do that again, so I had to figure out a way to gain the skills I needed for a lifetime in the Greek of the New Testament and to be able to dump translations forever. 

Eventually I developed a system to reading book-by-book through the Greek New Testament without looking any words up, working from the easiest to read books to the hardest, taking into account both the lexical and syntactical difficulty of the books. 

Now I read through the Greek New Testament in its entirety at least once a year, and almost never use English translations. I understand what I read, and can easily and instantly see how the original author has structured his thoughts. Its so much clearer in Greek than in translations!

Until Monday only, this system, everything you need to go from zero to mastery of New Testament Greek is yours for a single one-time price that delivers value for life!

How the Greek Pro Bundle helps you
read and study like a pro

Online mobile-friendly platform

The Greek Pro Bundle is hosted in our always available online platform. Watch online, download the worksheets, review material anytime.

A proven step-by-step system

Each lesson is based on a four-step framework. Watch the video and review the material in the text book, learn the concepts including the vocabulary, practice using tools to help you put it all together, and then try your hand at putting your new skills to use with real biblical texts.

Clear Exercises that Don't Confuse You

The Greek Pro Bundle includes custom videos, tailored worksheets designed to help you learn, review and practice the skills taught in each lesson.

A path to go from zero to mastery

Learning Greek is just the beginning. The Greek Pro Bundle gives you everything you need to expand your skills to the advanced level, and then learn to read every word of the Greek New Testament starting from the easiest books and progressing to the hardest!

What's in the Greek Pro Bundle?

Start from nothing
or refresh your Greek

Based on Merkle & Plummer's Beginning with New Testament Greek, the best beginning Greek grammar available today.

  • Custom video lessons for every chapter
  • My tailored worksheets to help you learn, review, and practice
  • Enhanced digital vocabulary for each chapter and beyond
  • Read 1 John in Greek by the end!

Introductory video to this course...

From beginning Greek to advanced

The Greek Syntax course teaches advanced grammar based on Intermediate Greek Grammar by David Mathewson and Elodie Ballantine Emig.

  • Video lessons teaching each grammar concept clearly
  • Worksheets for each chapter
  • Exercises putting what you just learned into practice.
  • At the end of this course you will have translated a wide variety 

Master every book of the New Testament Systematically

Structured Vocabulary Acquisition

  • Read a new book of the Greek New Testament every 2 months on average
  • Unlock the New Testament chapter-by-chapter or book-by-book
  • Memorize the vocabulary, read the text, master each passage
  • 8 Different vocabulary acquisition choices
  • Comprehensive video based instructions
  • Learn 25 words a week (recommended starting pace)
  • Completely flexible to your schedule
  • Includes 3rd side with verse containing the vocabulary word
  • Exclusive BMA glosses designed to work with each instance of a word in the NT

Master biblical Greek for
$598 USD!

You're Protected By My 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

How hundreds of people like you have learned Greek with the Greek pro bundle courses...

Since I developing this system and began to teach it, hundreds have experienced the joy of reading the Greek New Testament for themselves. 

These courses are courses we’ve used in the Greek Mastery Membership which members have benefitted from and grown through. 

Now they’re available for you to own without joining the membership for a one-time lifetime price. 

Dr. Darryl Burling

Founder and CEO of
Biblical Mastery Academy

What students say

Here’s how students felt before and after they learned Greek using the courses in the Greek Pro Bundle 

The Struggle Before...

I lacked structure to move forward. Without direction and others to talk to and learn from, I didn't know where to go next... It felt like being lost without a compass.


HUGE change. I'm in the languages EVERY day. It's a way of life, part of my devotions and prayers. It is already benefitting me in my studies and the instruction I give at my local church.

Daniel Figueroa

Premium Languages Member

Getting past learning vocab and knowing which direction to go forward hitting a wall of not knowing where to go next... Lots of, if not too much information out there to an overwhelming degree.

Day one when I finally took that leap of faith and signed up I knew it was the right choice I learned more the first 2 days then in months of self learning

John Tozier

Greek Mastery Member

I had no idea where to start, and I did not have a roadmap to be able to accomplish my goal.

I am able to read all of 1 John in Greek, and using BMA’s roadmap Lord willing I will get through the entire Greek New Testament using small consistent steps. Being able to read the original language brings such joy and clarity and confidence that makes the struggles of learning the language worth it.

Jushua Lubben

Greek Mastery Member

I was trying to study Greek on my own, reading a Greek grammar and doing the exercises in it and watching the videos that came with it. But I found that my learning still lacked structure and it was hard to keep going at it alone...
...BMA gave me both structure and motivation to keep learning. Every lesson comes with videos, readings, pre-made vocab cards, and in-depth homework assignments that don’t just help me learn new concepts but also keep reviewing old ones, topping it all off with a healthy amount of fun translation exercises. 

Nathan Hall

Greek Mastery Member

How much would it cost to learn this at seminary?

I went to seminary to learn Greek, Greek exegesis, and biblical interpretation.

As much as I loved it, it wasn’t without its drawbacks.

  1. I literally sold everything I had to be able to go to seminary
  2. Seminary teaches you how to exegete the text, but not how to read it(!)

Seminary was a wonderful experience, but the cost puts this kind of learning out of reach of most people.

The Greek Pro Bundle offers incredible value value for money.

You can learn the same skills for a fraction of the price, without selling your house, leaving your job, uprooting your family, and taking years out of your regular life to do it.

Lets compare costs...

Your Black Friday Weekend Price is almost...

1/10th the cost of similar courses in seminary

Master biblical Greek for
$598 USD!

I know what you’re thinking… there must be some compromises.

Let me put your mind at rest here are a few key differences. 

  1. You can go through my courses as many times as you like once you own the 2023 Greek Pro Bundle, so there is plenty of time to learn everything. In a seminary course, you’re working with serious time constraints. 
  2. The 2023 Greek Pro Bundle will give you a more organic understanding of the language, since you’re learning to read AND exegete the text (especially if you get the Interpretation of Ephesians course too). Seminary doesn’t teach you to read, just exegete (both are important).
  3. Biblical Mastery Academy students have come out of these courses with the same ability to exegete the text as those who go through seminary, which means you’ll learn the same skills. 
  4. But you’ll also be able to read the Greek New Testament devotionally book-by-book starting from the easiest books and progressing to the hardest.

What seminary gives you that the Greek Pro Bundle doesn’t is the environment where the study of Greek is normal, you get classmates and live interaction with experienced instructors. (This is what we offer in the Greek Mastery Membership)

See my bonuses below…

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

We’re here to support you. If you have any questions after purchasing, just email us at support (at) and we’ll do everything we can to help! 

However, if you decide that learning Greek is not for you, just let me know within 14 days of purchase, and I’ll refund your money. 


But wait... Bonuses if you grab this bundle!

Bonus 1: Beginning Greek Call Replays

  • Inside the Greek Mastery Membership we host weekly calls covering every chapter of the course material, working through every exercise in every lesson to make sure members not only know the correct answer but understand why that is or is not the answer.
  • I’m including a full set of call replays for you to watch for each lesson in the beginning Greek course!

Bonus 2: Greek Syntax Call replays

  • Just like in beginning Greek we host live calls to talk through the translations, the syntax and how the syntax contributes to the answers. After completing your homework we’ll discuss your answers in a call. 
  • I’m including a full set of call replays for you to watch for each lesson of the Greek Syntax course!

Bonus 3: Greek Vocab Pack Bonuses

I’m also including a few bonuses with the Greek Vocab Pack! 

  • 3 month sample plan to get you jumpstarted on the vocabulary 
  • Greek Syntax Cheat Sheet – know what page in advanced grammars to refer to for more information on a grammatical principle

Get your Greek Pro Bundle Before it goes away

While we offered a different version of the Greek Pro Bundle next year, we may not ever do it again. We’re making changes to the way we serve in the next few months and this may be your last chance to get a lifetime offer ever. 

Certainly, we’ll never offer this combination for this incredibly low price again. 

Start on your path to master biblical Greek for
$598 USD Today!

You're Protected By My 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Want to develop even more ability to study the scripture?

Add to your Bundle lifetime access to this Greek Hermeneutics Course for $299...

Interpret the NT wisely in the original languages: 

  • You’ll develop skills in the “science” and “art” of interpretation 
  • Custom video lessons leading you through a Biblical approach to interpretation
  • And Tailored worksheets and additional readings for every lesson.
  • Includes insights from my PhD program not found elsewhere

Here's the introductory video to this course...

  • BONUS FEATURE! Replays of cohort calls for the whole course! For every lesson, you also get access to a call replay, where I go through the homework sheet with a group of students. This helps you check your translations against others’, plus hear my feedback and additional teaching. The call replays are invaluable – it’s as if you are sitting in on a Greek hermeneutics class!

Additional books required (indicated and linked in the course home page)

If you want to reduce your reliance on tools to understand New Testament Greek, and instead be able to read with confidence, clarity and efficiency, you will be completely equipped to do so with the Greek Pro Bundle. 

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Every resource in this bundle is yours to keep for life, meaning you can work at this in your own time, mastering the Greek vocabulary and grammar in however many years it takes! 

This Offer Will Expire Midnight Monday 27th November...


Will I Need To Purchase Any Other Resources?

Yes. You’ll need to buy a copy of Beginning With New Testament Greek, as well as Mathewson and Emig’s Intermediate Greek whenever you go through those courses. 

For the Greek Vocab Pack, you will also need to purchase the app Flashcards Deluxe for a small, one-off fee.

How Will I Access My Purchase?

Everything in the Greek Pro Bundle will be available on one online hub. Upon purchasing this bundle, you will be emailed with instructions on creating an account to access this hub. Accessing the hub is easy, and you will be able to reset your password any time with the email address you use at checkout. 

What If I'm Not Happy With My Purchase?

If you buy this bundle and don’t love it, you can request and receive refund within 14 days of purchase. However, please do not buy this bundle if you intend to skim through it then ask for a refund. These resources took time and money to create, and the Black Friday price is incredible value. 

Can I Use This Alongside Other Studies?

Absolutely. If you’re taking a language course in seminary or college, these resources will help you go deeper into Greek and learn the vocabulary in a systematic way that most (if not all) seminaries do not teach. Having these resources will give you a huge advantage!

If I Decide Not To Get This Bundle Now, Will It Ever Be Offered Again?

I do not intend to offer this bundle again, and if I do it won’t be at this price point again. Jump on it now while you can!

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