Biblical Language Tutors

Get Expert Guidance Every Step Of Your Journey To Greek Mastery

Our Greek Mastery membership connects you with the right people to help you succeed. You’ll get access to a variety of live weekly calls – on top of your regular course cohort call. Each of these additional calls connect you with knowledgeable, qualified Greek instructors to give you additional opportunities for guidance and growth.

Meet the instructors and check out what happens in each of these weekly calls below!

Lean Into The Experience & Knowledge of Biblical Mastery Academy's Instructors

Dr. Darryl Burling

Founder & CEO, Greek Product Manager

Darryl spent 15 years in the IT industry working in a variety of roles before beginning his education. He completed a Bachelor of the Arts in Biblical Counseling at the Master's University in less than two years, and then graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from the Master's Seminary. He then went on to doctoral studies, earning a Master of Theology and a Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Counseling with a minor in Biblical Spirituality from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He wrote his dissertation on "The place of union with Christ in the theology and practice of marriage."

Darryl manages the day to day running of Biblical Mastery Academy and also serves as the product manager for the Greek Mastery Membership and the Growth Membership, in which he leads several calls each week, leads classes on advanced Greek and hermeneutics, and looks after much of the marketing.

He has been happily married for 30 years and has three grown daughters. He serves as an elder and occasional preacher in his local church.

Frank Hartmann

Hebrew Product Manager

Frank completed his graduate studies at Liberty University’s Rawlings School of Divinity, earning both a Master of Divinity in Biblical Languages and a Master of Arts in Biblical Languages and Linguistics. He is now in the final stage of researching and writing his doctoral dissertation for his Ph.D. in Hebrew and Old Testament Biblical Studies at Columbia Biblical Seminary of Columbia International University. 

His dissertation concerns the literariness of Lamentations, through which he will show why and how, from a cognitive linguistic point of view, the poetry of Lamentations has had the impact that it does both in Jewish and Christian traditions.

Frank manages the Hebrew offerings of Biblical Mastery Academy, and teaches students from beginning Hebrew through to mastery.

Stephen Hackett

Greek Instructor

Stephen's real passion is helping people appreciate the beauty and richness of Scripture. He serves his local church in various ways including preaching occasionally. He also runs a small YouTube channel called Biblical Studies & Reviews where he discusses the Bible, theology, and Greek.

Stephen loves Biblical Greek and has found great joy in deepening his knowledge of the language through Biblical Mastery Academy. And he feels incredibly blessed to be able to instruct BMA beginning Greek courses. Stephen is married to a supportive wife and has four very, active children.

Neil Ellson

Community Lead & Greek Instructor

Neil’s Greek journey began in 1990 when he started self study using John Dobson’s grammar. Twenty years later he finished the book, switched to Mounce, joined Biblical Mastery Academy in 2019, and hasn’t looked back since. He refreshed his Greek by joining every cohort possible and started reading the New Testament in Greek far more often than he had in English. Neil achieved certification in BMA’s first accreditation cohort and is living proof that lay people can learn Greek without going to seminary,

Neil has been happily married for 36 years, has two adult children and too many pets, lives near the coast in North Norfolk UK and currently works with adults with learning disabilities in the community.​

Weekly Calls

Greek Workshop Calls

Grow in reading comprehension with our regular Greek Workshop Calls.

Grow in your ability to read and translate through live calls hosted by one of our instructors. Greek Workshop Calls happen twice each week.

Each call focuses on a portion of the New Testament, Septuagint, or Apostolic Fathers. These calls will help your confidence soar in reading Greek text in a low-pressure environment. Suitable for any level beyond Beginning Greek. 

What Members Say About Greek Workshop Calls

Ken Nunemaker
Ken Nunemaker
Greek Mastery Member
The Greek Workshop calls are one of my favorite things about Biblical Mastery Academy! I love the discussion, the practice reading and sight-translating, and I love that we tackle not only New Testament material, but Septuagint and Church Fathers as well.
Philip Storey
Philip Storey
Greek Mastery Member
Darryl does integrate readings from the Greek Septuagint, and the Apostolic Fathers. But, even further than this, my interest extends back to Classical Greek and the wider Roman world of the first century. I now have sufficient Greek background to engage with some of these materials. It means learning new things, and new nuances to the Greek, but Biblical Mastery Academy has taught me an overall approach, and the discipline, to be able to embark on eventually mastering these things as well. Without the background of joining Biblical Mastery Academy, I know I would still be floundering with third declension nouns and participles without making progress. The membership provides more than knowledge, it teaches a disciplinary pathway to success.
James Taylor
James Taylor
Premium Languages Member
The membership has connected me to a community of dedicated leaners pursuing similar goals at a similar pace, and provided a forum to get help where needed and accountability to stay consistent. Previously I felt isolated in my studies and lacked confidence to advance in the language, now I’m excited to continue progressing and having opportunities to apply my knowledge with my peers.

Office Hours Calls

Get weekly support in our Office Hours Calls with an instructor and other members.

Got a Greek or Hebrew question?
Need some help with motivation?
Just want to touch base?

Drop into an Office Hours Call to get support and check in with an instructor about anything holding you up, or interesting you. Office Hours Calls happen three times per week for Greek, and once per week for Hebrew.

Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell
Hebrew Mastery Member
The Hebrew Office Hours Calls have been very helpful in terms of being able to simply ask anything Hebrew related. Sometimes advice on additional resources or aids has proved extremely beneficial, particularly a book on Hebrew Accents! I have really appreciated Franks discussion of detailed translation issues related to Genesis 1 and the a particular word in Job 42. I now enjoy looking at any portion of the Old Testament and attempt to read it correctly (even before I have looked at all the vocabulary) to see if there any words I know. I was pleased to be able to read a whole sentence from Jonah that was being preached on in my church!

Other Weekly Community Calls

Readings In Genesis

Grow in Hebrew reading comprehension by reading and translating Genesis from Hebrew, week by week with Instructor Frank and other members.

Exclusive to Hebrew and Premium Language Members

Premium Calls

Grammar Intensive

Go into more depth with various grammar topics in courses, with live calls led by an instructor. Such as the Jan 2024 Voice intensive. 

Milestone Cohorts

Make progress together with a live class led by an instructor that works and reads through Greek Mastery Milestone content.

Exclusive to Premium Language Members